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Profile Elina Makri | Civic Europe

Elina Makri

Elina Makri

Community development

Larco reloaded

Where does the solution lie when the efficiency of “the state” and the world of mainstream politics fail? What happens when good will from all parties in a dispute is not enough to solve chronicle pr…
Elina Makri commented: This is an interesting phrase in your application…
on Connecting local producers with local customers
Elina Makri commented: I believe the mission of your project is excellen…
on Creativity/Financial literacy /Career FOR YOUNG
Elina Makri commented: Thank you all for your support, we would kindly a…
on Larco reloaded
Elina Makri commented: The aim of your project is quite evident, but how…
on Demarginalizing regions
Elina Makri commented: This sounds like a great project: ethics & sc…
on Investigative learning for the future
Elina Makri commented: thank you for your support. Of course, empowering…
on Larco reloaded
Elina Makri added a new idea Larco reloaded
to Idea Challenge 2020