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Profile Cleanap | Civic Europe


Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Ischia Policy School

Lo scopo è creare una Scuola che dia nozioni di politica e faccia conoscere ai giovani il significato, le strutture e l'importanza della società civile. Incoraggiare il loro coinvolgimento attivo ne…
Community development | Social inclusion

Community center for a citizen-led neighborhood

In our neighborhood, most people struggle to just get by, while living very alienated lives, in spite of sharing many common problems and suffering the same injustices. There is also a lack of instit…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

impact4school - interacting school

We aim to involve young high school students in a participation-building process starting from education and knowledge sharing to co-design along with the school and the local community the future of…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Radio Leib - Community Radio

A community radio station managed together with citizens; from the inner and cultural peripheries of Naples, giving voice to those who do not have it. Let's imagine Radio Leib embodied in the city, g…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Academy of ecological changes

Our project is aimed at involving young people from the region in creating local ecological initiatives together with their local community and acquiring knowledge in the field of participation and c…
Law, advocacy and policy | Youth participation and empowerment

For an active and circular citizenship

Stimulate the involvement of young citizens (voters or not) and their families in administrative policy at the local level through a path of knowledge of the rights and duties of a citizen and instit…
Cleanap commented: Hello! We love co-design processes and participat…
on impact4school - interacting school
Cleanap commented: We love the idea to have a special radio format e…
on Radio Leib - Community Radio
Cleanap commented: We love your idea, we came as well from grassroot…
on Community center for a citizen-led neighborhood
Cleanap commented: We love your idea and we'd like to network with y…
on Together for greener future.
Cleanap commented: Hello! We have seen that the project is in Italia…
on Ischia Policy School
Cleanap commented: Let's work together in order to spread the import…
on Academy of ecological changes
Cleanap commented: Civic engagement, education, community involvemen…
on For an active and circular citizenship
Cleanap now watches idea "50 Shades of Waste"
Cleanap added a new idea 50 Shades of Waste
to Idea Challenge 2021