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Profile Borut Osonkar | Civic Europe

Borut Osonkar

Borut Osonkar

Without You, there is no Us

We started membership program 5 months ago. Establishing a two-way relationship with public is key to rebuilding trust in journalism & engaging citizens to become active participants in the public de…

Go active!

We will address the problem of democratic deficit in the second largest city Maribor, where citizens' voice in decision making process is not heard. We will organize citizens' local assemblies (17), …
Social inclusion

Activate with Civil society hackathon

To popularize and promote civic engagement in the post-industrial zasavska region we will conduct so-called civil society hackathon. The project aims to engage and encourage civil society in active d…

Civic incubator

Project will empower the youth with skills necessary for campaigning and effective civic participation through implementing 3 campaigns in 3 local communities in Eastern Slovenia that will address sp…
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Without You, there is no Us"
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Civic incubator"
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Go active!"