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Profile Borut Osonkar | Civic Europe

Borut Osonkar

Borut Osonkar

Social inclusion

Activate with Civil society hackathon

To popularize and promote civic engagement in the post-industrial zasavska region we will conduct so-called civil society hackathon. The project aims to engage and encourage civil society in active d…

Civic incubator

Project will empower the youth with skills necessary for campaigning and effective civic participation through implementing 3 campaigns in 3 local communities in Eastern Slovenia that will address sp…

Consent to Dissent

Nonprofit spaces are vital for young people who live in rural areas. The small town of Cerkno, Slovenia is fortunate to have a long history of self-organised youth work within the C.M.A.K. youth cent…
Social inclusion | Community development

Miskolc shall be a place for everyone!

Miskolc city has a large Roma population, about 30 000 Roma (definite data is not available). About 70% live in segregated, peripheral districts; around one-third of them are not registered residents…
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whol…
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
Community development

Print-It-Yourself (Nyomtass te is)

Hungary has become the first EU member state to leave the club of democracies. Control over the media is one of the main pillars of this semi-authoritarian regime. People living in rural areas have b…

Without You, there is no Us

We started membership program 5 months ago. Establishing a two-way relationship with public is key to rebuilding trust in journalism & engaging citizens to become active participants in the public de…
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Without You, there is no Us"
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Civic incubator"
Borut Osonkar now watches idea "Go active!"