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Profile BDC | Civic Europe



Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Let’s talk about it.

We want to reestablish social interactions among high school and college students in Podravje region considering all the safety measures regarding COVID-19. A group of volunteers who study psychology…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Volunteering–positive life lessons for the future

In Bulgarian schools sustainable “good deed making”/ voluntureeing has not been encouraged and children don’t know how to organise such initiatives. We will increase their volunteering knowledge, enc…
Community development

Heritage volunteers and friends for Sakar

Despite the lack of local development policies and civic cohesion, and the general skepticism towards volunteering in the town, we have joined forces for heritage volunteering with the vision for rev…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

A catalyst for volunteering

Among the students we will recruit 100 participants and create 10 teams. Each team will participate in a series of 12 meetings improving their competences as local leaders and engaging them in volun…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

The Evolution of Volunteering

Our organization, INEX-SDA, is planning to create a motivational documentary on the development of volunteering in the last 30, post-revolutionary, years to help local communities’ beneficiary projec…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

[fjúžn] - the world we have at home

We have been organizing [fjúžn] festival of new minorities in Bratislava for 15 years. It brings topics of migration and life of foreigners closer to the general public, creates a space for meetings …

Lessons from the Past to Build a Better Future

Our project will be based on documenting of memories of witnesses of the key events of the 20th century such as veterans of the WWII, victims of Holocaust or political prisoners of the communist regi…
Community development

Roads beyond the horizon

We will create a functional network of Infopoints - organizations, which helps to further bridge local activists and emphasize examples of good practice. Together we will establish a vision of volunt…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Clean is the new green

We live in a magical land of green hills, enchanting forests and lush meadows. Almost. Although green heritage is the backbone of our community, it is filled with illegal dump sites. So, it’s time to…