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Profile Alexandra Kostalova | Civic Europe

Alexandra Kostalova

Alexandra Kostalova

Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Meals of Power

We collect food with close expiry dates, that might not be used otherwise, from producers or retailers. Then, with the help of volunteers, we distribute the food to the recipients. These are people w…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Communities Movement in Ttransition ❤️ 👑

Ours innovative project has been collaboratively designed to create prerequisites for syste matic-change collaboration, between local authorities and transition initiatives. We all see many examples…
Health | Social inclusion

My grandparents and I

We created an intergenerational program called My grandparents and I that will allow us to connect our students with their grandparents and other senior citizens in their local communities. We will e…
Health | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth activation through volleyball & camaraderie

Since March 2020, the everyday life of young people has changed a lot due to COVID-19 pandemic. Spending a lot of time at home, staying out of ordinary school and social environments, excessive usage…