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Mediatic EU | Civic Europe

Mediatic EU


Who is behind this?

Antonio Ángel Vílchez Valdivia

Asociación Euducate


Who is joining forces?



Dominou Association


We also have local partners and stakeholders that will be part of the project like HIgh Schools, Town hall and local associations too.


Idea pitch

Europe is in a period of continuous instability since the raise of nationalism and popular movements. These movements are very noticeable in rural areas and we are being invaded by a big amount of fake news that young people are not aware, promoting euroscepticism and radicalization. We want to create a toolbox on how to identify fake news and debate the advantages that European Union offer to us.

Where will your project idea take place?

Iznalloz a small village of 6000 people in Granada, Spain, Croatia and Romania will be partners too.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our village is the main one from the area called Montes Orientales, where rest of villages are between 700- 2000 inhabitants. We have a big number of youngsters who do not believe in democratic values neither in European Union. The population is decreasing in the last years and young people leave to work in other areas. Currently 50% of population here is over 60 years and half of them are roma people, whose mainly work is seasonal regarding fruits seasons. It is being a hard job for us as the only educational ngo who perform non formal learning activities and we have found how easily manipulated are with fake news, provoking bad habits and choices without believing in democratic life and the tools that we can use to achieve it

Who are you doing it for?

We want to include young people from rural ares in our region and teachers who need train in this area
- People facing economic difficulties, we don't expect any problems regarding their participation during the whole project. They can't afford to pay a course like this one and we will do it freely for them
- People being challenged socially/facing discrimination, since our youngsters come from some minorities who are excluded and face many problems to enter in the labour market
- We also want to engage educators who deal with these youngsters daily and provide good elements and tools regarding social media.
We include them creating a very positive atmosphere after the workshop, we motivate them with teambuilding activities to make them feel like a group using gamification techniques.

How do you plan to get there?

The main objective will be met by following these specific objectives:
1) develop media literacy skills,
2) develop critical thinking skills,
3) develop ICT skills in order to support the knowledge and skills gained,
4) promote EU values by including people with fewer opportunities,
In order to achieve these goals we will create 3 basic parts: preparation phase and online work with with an online platform, performing local activities, Choose participants, for an international mobility to share ideas and best practices, Create a manual available in pdf and printed and dissemination
Methods NFL including learning games, role plays, debates, groupworks, drawing. Also, for some input parts, formal approach and presentations will be used and many skills will be of course gained by doing

What are the expected results?

1) They will develop critical thinking skills and competences, such as: analysing information, decision-making , making qualified and quality predictions, cognitive biases identification.
2) They will develop media literacy skills and competences, such as: fact-checking, finding
alternative sources, propaganda/fake news identification, manipulation prevention, direct and indirect marketing understanding, financial literacy (marketing resistance, saving approach)
3) They will develop communication skills and competences, such as: communication in English, presentation skills, debating, self-confidence, teamwork, international and intercultural cooperation. As breaking stereotypes.
4) Participants will have a better idea of EU and its importance for a better democratic life

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

As we mention our idea is totally linked since we have noticed how there is alack of training regarding social media education, how to recognize fake news, and what consequences they have. provoking a lack of participation in democratic life and a lack of trust in European instruments that promote active participation. Though this project we would like to address the needs in the ability of people to access, understand, create and critically evaluate different types of media and to eliminate social pressure that can be caused by lack of knowledge. We can achieve this by educating youngsters, in local communities as well as train educators in schools since there is no training in that field proposed by formal institutions

Why is this idea important to you?

We really don't like when we heard people talking bad things about EU. There are aspects that needs to improve, however most of the time when people are talking about some news they don't know what is the source, they don't check, finding other answers in group networks with people who think the same, with a message against Europe. Rural areas feel isolated and abandon and local authorities do not promote the European messages neither which doesn't help but worse the situation.
We feel lucky to become part of EU and we see a big lack of training in these field of social media and fake news. This is why we gather experts who have experience in the field to provide and explore the main characteristics of fake news, provide training and change peoples mind about it.

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Material and office 2000
Translation 2000
Trainers 5000 5 trainers will be hired during the whole project
Web 1500
International mobility 15000 (one week in Spain with 24 participants, 8 per country where expert trainers will provide experience and knowledge and it will be the chance to share the local activities and goals achieved and how to improve next steps) travel accommodation, meals, training, materials
Logistics 1500
Marketing campaign 2000
Merchandising 1000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any advice is appreciate it! this is a project that can be used for everyone since it is a common problem with a lack of attention regarding educational institutions, so feel free! thanks in advance!



Idea created on May 9, 2020
Last edit on May 14, 2020

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