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Food banking development in the town of Vratsa. | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Food banking development in the town of Vratsa.

Food banking secures food support to organisations taking care of people in need.


Who is behind this?





Idea pitch

Bulgarian food bank operates since 2012.
We aim to further develop our operation by starting food banking operation in the town of Vratsa, which is a central town in the North West region of Bulgaria, being the poorest region in the country.
We serve organisations taking care of people in need by securing food support through food banking.
Our food support programs are designed to help children, elderly and minority communities ( roma in particular).

Where will your project idea take place?

Town of Vratsa in North West Bulgaria.
The region is a low density region with few opportunities.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Access to food by children, elderly and minority communities ( roma in particular ) is a daily challenge in the North West Region.

Who are you doing it for?

All of our programs are designed to support children, elderly and minority communities (roma in particular).
We plan to serve 6000 people monthly, including children ( 4000 ), elderly (1000) and people form minority communities ( 1000 ).

How do you plan to get there?

The usual development steps to develop our new locations are:
- identifying and connecting to local NGOs, taking care of people in need;
- involving local government;
- opening food warehouse operation;
- contacting local businesses for food and financial donations.

What are the expected results?

Food banking operation in Vratsa will secure food support to 6000 people monthly (children, elderly and people from minority communities) in the town of Vratsa and North West region.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Access to food is a basic human right and we support extensively organisations ( NGOs ) taking care of people in need by providing food support programs.
Our programs support the work of NGOs, involve volunteers, local businesses and local governments, working together to secure food support for people in need.

Why is this idea important to you?

Developing food banking in Bulgaria has always been our mission.
Bringing food banking to North West Bulgaria will benefit the local community and will have impact on local social activities.

€ 42950,-

Total budget

€ 42950,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Rent 12280 EUR
Transportation 12280 EUR
Personnel costs 18390 EUR



Idea created on May 26, 2020

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