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Take your team and organizational development to the next level | Civic Europe
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Take your team and organizational development to the next level

You are wondering how to improve your organizational and team development? The Toolbox could be your answer.
by Civic Europe on Oct. 20, 2020
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The Toolbox is not only a toolkit and a framework of activities to advance and deepen practice - they are made for actors facilitating organizational development from within organizations, initiatives and teams and in external support roles in civil society. It is based on shared values that relate to a working culture and a vision of overall social development. Core values are self-organization, participatory and inclusive process, continuous learning & self-development and collaboration on eye level.

The Toolbox explained in a nutshell.

It is made to work with a team of an organization, initiative, or an informal group and gives the possibility to explore and work on a real capacity building need of your organization or group. Topics covered are such as internal communication & decisions, collective impact, financial model or roles & responsibilities.

The Toolbox is accessible on a free basis

The Toolbox is accesible and shared on a free basis both online and by printed materials. Content and approach are continuously co-developed in various languages and regional versions. The Toolbox is available in English, French, Greek and Turkish and will soon be available in Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian.

Access the online materials and read more about the Toolbox and its community here. To order your own physical Toolbox please write to

The Toolbox as a community

A community of practitioners is built continuously by meetings and trainings on an international level as well as in various local contexts hosted by a committed international partnership of organizations active in support of civil society within a growing number of local user communities. The community is hosted by a committed international partnership of organizations active in support of civil society within a growing number of local user communities.

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The Toolbox as a community. (Photo by Panos Georgiou)

The Toolbox was developed by MitOst, Socius, COMM’ON, Anadolu Kültür, Art of Hosting Athina with the consultancy of Laden Yurttagüler and Yörük Kurtaran and funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung. The partnership steering the community and the further development consists of MitOst, Socius, COMM’ON, Insha Osvita and Interra.