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Profile spadlamam | Civic Europe



Community development


For the first time, our maker-space is going to offer a complete educational program that consists of 4 different engineer and artistic disciplines. We want to transmit basic knowledge of fabrication…
Community development

DOOR - Pursuit the Common Sense

Amid of the accelerated alienation of the sons of small towns & villages due to a permanent exodus of labor force abroad and to the main Romanian cities, the spiritual identity, economic power and c…
Arts and cultural activities

Participatory Murals about Children's Rights

We want to involve children and youth from towns and villages in Lower Silesia region (Poland) to create murals presenting children's rights. In this way we will not only promote children's rights, b…


The aim of our project is to support our community, our city and municipality during Coronavirus outbreak via enhanced digital transformation, digital competences and skills focused on the needs of p…
Social inclusion | Community development


GARUM (name of ancient roman dish) challenge is to enhance shared values of quotidian life. The living heritage of the art of cooking by our grandmothers is our Adriatic maritime plural identity.The…
Social inclusion | Community development

If you dream about a better world, come to Cinesia

We are building a space in the south of Madrid that promotes neighborhood development and innovation. The social, urban, and economic situation of the neighborhood, and Villaverde district, has made…

Accelerator of civic engagement of young people

- The main activity to engage young is a 6 months mobil tour ( live podcast) in Gorj County.(debate organised in schools, sports clubs and public space) The meetings debates will be transmitted liv…
Environment and sustainability

Local Action - Global Impact!

The forestation will constitute our response to the Global Warming phenomenon. …

Media Literacy Academy for Seniors

The current project proposal aims to give foundational media literacy skills to elderly people, so they will be able to enjoy their online communications safely, distinguish fake news and take an inf…
spadlamam added a new idea Meals of Power
to Idea Challenge 2021
spadlamam commented: Thank You all for woting, ifa You have any ideas …
on co-nsistent co-munnity
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Take the Money, and Do Something for the Youth