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Profile spadlamam | Civic Europe



Social inclusion | Community development


Outdoor multisport playground as a place for meeting, getting to know each other and gaining memories. This playground would be open to children from centre but as well as for their classmates, frien…
Community development

Spreading positive and lasting solutions for human

Our goal of this project is to advice positive objective solutions never seen before for better economic-democratic-cultural life and well being for citizens of Slovenia, and after that for whole Eu…
Social inclusion | Community development

Women of Change

We want to answer the challenge of women discrimination, including domestic violence by creating time and space where women from different social and cultural background can meet together, develop, b…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Common roots: trees that build community

Human beings have always gathered around a big tree to sort out how lo live together. We want to create a participative orchard managed by 100 families where all the fruit landraces and social groups…
Community development

Print-It-Yourself (Nyomtass te is)

Hungary has become the first EU member state to leave the club of democracies. Control over the media is one of the main pillars of this semi-authoritarian regime. People living in rural areas have b…
Social inclusion

Diversify the cultural heritage together

Our challenge is to change how visionally impaired and blind people are living-within an environment filled with stereotypes, inequality and lack of opportunity-by using culture and its innate power …
Community development

Boosting civic agency through gamified spacemaking

Urbid boosts civic agency through a framework for collaboration between multiple stakeholders shaping public space, and by providing tools for citizens to join the decision making and creative proces…
Community development

Youth Lab for Equal Cities

A cross-border project to strengthen youth involvement in European democratic life by promoting the right to the city and to public spaces, with a social inclusion and "generation equality" approach:…
Community development

Care, Act, Participate

Civic engagement in Bulgaria is low,people feel disconnected from their communities.Our goal is to inspire people to play an active role in their environment and to provide them with tools to have th…
spadlamam added a new idea Meals of Power
to Idea Challenge 2021
spadlamam commented: Thank You all for woting, ifa You have any ideas …
on co-nsistent co-munnity
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Take the Money, and Do Something for the Youth