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Profile spadlamam | Civic Europe



Social inclusion

KíNISI - Intercultural Networks

The reality of a refugee camp is one of suspended time and inactivity. This is worsened by the intolerant context in which it is often inserted. Kinisi project, based in Corinth, aims to tackle these…
Arts and cultural activities

I SPEAK COLORFUL [Eu Falo a Cores]

In Algarve, known for its tourism, this project aims to work with 600 children in schools, showing films about Democracy, promoting debates, giving children the opportunity to speak about it. Childre…
Community development


For better care & management of Common Goods (COMMONS) we will: 1. Promote awareness & knowledge about them at any age, starting from very early; 2. Provide vocation oriented education & training f…

Neighborocracy Education Provision and Support

To strengthen Democracy-From-Below in Portugal, by creating a team of trainers mentored by the international references for Neighborocracy and Children’s Parliaments, Father Edwin John and Joseph Rat…
Social inclusion

FOR-U-Lab : from inclusion to participation

The project will be implemented in an area in the center of Italy where diverse communities of locals and migrants are living and working. Drawing inspiration from Scharmer’s “Theory-U” and “Transfo…
Social inclusion

Post-war migrants remember. What do they tell us?

To draw attention to different views on migration in the context of current policy in Europe. Based on real stories of inhabitants of three nationalities Czechs, Germans, Romanian Slovaks - in one bo…

Transformative Educational Communities

What role do education processes play in building a sense of citizenship? We share the common desire to find ways in which present and future societies can create a citizenship built on educational p…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Ecomuseum Metaurilia" Sea-Hort"

We like to win hard: Metaurilia is one of the most disordered and problematic suburbs of Fano. We also like to win easily: Metaurilia has a suggestive and contradictory history that was born in the F…

Youth Consulting Center “Active citizens”

The lack of active citizenship is due to a lack of understanding about the policies pursued at European and local levels.The lack of understanding of these processes creates distrust, uncertainty in …
spadlamam added a new idea Meals of Power
to Idea Challenge 2021
spadlamam commented: Thank You all for woting, ifa You have any ideas …
on co-nsistent co-munnity
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Take the Money, and Do Something for the Youth