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Profile spadlamam | Civic Europe



Social inclusion


We aim to transform the university into a safe and welcoming space for migrants and refugees. We want it to become a tool that improves the employment and future expectations of these people and make…
Arts and cultural activities

Present the Future, Nógrád!

‘Present the Future, Nógrád!’ targets youth in Nógrád, where the educational system fails to offer perspective leading to social and political apathy and a negative attitude towards learning, partici…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

UrJu preserving urban green through body awareness

With tools from performing arts and alternative educational practices, participants will experience an ecological vigilance. The aim is to get in touch with the local natural ecosystem, change percep…


Return to the Middle Ages? In Slovak conditions, only populist and demagogic attention is paid to women's rights. Education with gender-sensitive approach will ensure the de-tabooing of the topic. We…
Social inclusion

REfugeeMigrantAsylum-seekerINclusion journalists

Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers have no voice in the Greek mainstream media. They need to have a saying on what concerns them. We will train 15 people in media skills to be able to produce mate…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

BE INclusive

BE INclusive is a project conceived for young people of different origins that aims to set up a multifunctional artistic hub as open and functioning civic space where creative and visual arts become …
Social inclusion

Compassion, not prejudice

Mourning continues to be a taboo in a countryside whereby it is manifested as weakness of individuals while a relation to death and mourning is filled with prejudices, fear. With comprehensive supp…
Community development

Women’s Voices

Sexual gender-based violence is a form of abuse hidden inside human relationships. Women are more susceptible to such forms of violence accepting them as natural part of their relationships due to la…
Social inclusion

Deep Dialogues for Collective Healing

At the core of polarized divisions among communities are deep pains, traumas, fears and identity-driven conflicts. Disruptive meta-crises have contributed to more anxiety. Tapping into the psychologi…
spadlamam added a new idea Meals of Power
to Idea Challenge 2021
spadlamam commented: Thank You all for woting, ifa You have any ideas …
on co-nsistent co-munnity
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Take the Money, and Do Something for the Youth