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Profile spadlamam | Civic Europe



Community development

NEXT STOP! - Stations for Culture & Participation

Next Stop! project will transform abandoned train stations - of an historical degraded railway line in Portugal - into cultural hubs to host a Community Listening Lab to trigger reflection and dialog…
Social inclusion


Small villages in Crete are often characterized by strong community cohesion but limited openness to otherness in terms of disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The project is based on the im…

Open Studio

Multidisciplinary workshops for local NGOs in Bulgarian towns and villages working with youth, minorities and people in rural areas. Together we discuss local challenges with NGOs, their target audie…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating community

We seek to promote a joint reflection on coexistence in the rural world that involves all the social groups that comprise it. With the collected opinions, we will create a community Forum Theater sho…
Community development

A Community Capital Bank in Abaúj

The long-term goal is to ensure a good living environment for a disadvantaged country region. Though the challenge is not unusual, the community capital bank-based development in a micro-regional fra…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food r-evolution in the Rose Valley

Our project unites people around food, aiming to improve quality of life, environmental balance and to bring together opposing groups of people. We support small village producers and connect them to…
Social inclusion

The children of today – the leaders of tomorrow

Our idea is aimed at children aged 7 to 18 living in a region with low civic cohesion. Through the trainings provided in the project, the children will develop the ability to think critically, to add…
Arts and cultural activities

(+ Culture) + Social = Resilient community

The main goal is to promote an inclusive culture by encouraging the feeling of belonging to cultural creation and offerings in the broad diversity of people at risk of exclusion in our city. To this …
Environment and sustainability


Real sustainability urges democratic response from young people. Scout Association of Slovenia will issue a “Local Sustainability Challenge” for local units, selected will receive further civic educa…
spadlamam added a new idea Meals of Power
to Idea Challenge 2021
spadlamam commented: Thank You all for woting, ifa You have any ideas …
on co-nsistent co-munnity
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~
spadlamam commented: Hi its amazing! We Support You! Your idea is grea…
on Take the Money, and Do Something for the Youth