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Profile sonja.katana | Civic Europe



Community development | Environment and sustainability

Guardians of the Eastern Rhodopes

The project aims to stimulate locals, tourists and stakeholders to preserve and protect the nature of the Eastern Rhodopes, through well-designed signage, an interactive app and website, multiple wor…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Multiplying Eco-Leaders

We aim to find leaders across the country and provide them the tools they need to be able to collaborate in efficient ways, so that they can train more changemakers and inspire action locally in thei…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Red Line Campaign

We are a group of artists and activists that use craftivism to envolve especially “non activists”, into the climate movement. We create groups and teach people how to knit. We make it fun to discuss …
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration

Water sources are highly impacted by intensive agriculture, mass tourism and climate change, constraining opportunities for youth to envision a future in the territory. We aim to activate intergenera…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

KaFsimo–Active citizenship by recycling coffee!

KaFsimo is a community coffee-recycling project that addresses waste, environmental responsibility and social inclusion. Objectives:change consumer behavior; provide social and economic inclusion; …
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Gems of Szolnok

We are for honest and solution oriented connection between actors and citizens. What we need is some heart filling fun to invite and engage! So we create the space where the dialog and the inviting a…
Environment and sustainability

Climate For Health

The project aims to create conditions for understanding the problems of the urban environment and climate change and to involve citizens in activities to stimulate public initiative, citizenship and …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

L´Horta Community Garden Center

We want to turn a vacant lot into a training and employment center for the homeless population in sustainable farming methods, and a hub of social justice initiatives open to community-based organiza…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Where Tomato means Paradise

“Paradicsom” is a homonymous word in Hungarian: stands for the vegetable tomato and also means Paradise. Our community space “Paradicsom'' connects diverse groups with its social and physical infrast…
sonja.katana commented: Great idea! It is very important to raise awarene…
on Help And Collect – Fishermen for clean Adriatic
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Great idea and so needed! Thank you! Good luck!
on Children love Natural world and are part of it
sonja.katana commented: Great and brave idea! We have also tried somethin…
on Botanicula - community garden
sonja.katana commented: It is a great idea. There is so much that could b…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
sonja.katana commented: We have so much restrictions with regulations aro…
on Meals of Power
sonja.katana commented: Thank you for your idea! We are facing similar pr…
on Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration
sonja.katana commented: Hi! We are Transition initiative from Rijeka, Cro…
on Birthing eco-conscious active citizens
sonja.katana commented: Great initiative! Good luck from Rijeka!
on In Solidarity Towards Sustainability