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Profile sonja.katana | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Community development

Alternative Camps

Alternative Camps is a program that promotes frugal innovation in the post-pandemic society. It brings together groups of citizens (especially with a migrant background), institutions and local entre…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


Autocoles merge 3 interrelated aspects: education through practice, creative reuse of materials using art as a working tool, and social and spatial transformation. Objective is to build playgrounds a…
Community development

Let us discuss

„Let us discuss“ aims at children and their parents which are facing the divorce and offer them the possibility to share their ideas, meanings, feelings to the others through social dialog beween the…
Environment and sustainability

The G R E E N schoolyard

Teaching for a greener future and bringing children closer to nature is our goal. Our incentive is to raise awareness on already happening ecological issues by embarking schoolchildren in fun tailore…
Social inclusion | Community development

The Healing Countryside

“I have never thought I could be marginalized because of an illness!” Does it sound distant to you? We hope so! However, people with mental, social or learning difficulties, especially in the rural c…
Community development


Creation of a centre for independent psychological consulting is motivated by the benefits of the practice in the context of the Bulgarian family and childhood development. These issues are of crucia…
Environment and sustainability

Tourism as a sustainable boost

The implementation of a new model of sustainable tourism will serve as a way to increase inclusion, citizenship participation and a better communication between local actors (citizens, associations, …
Environment and sustainability

ACT for a sustainable and just food system!

ASAT is a solution for achieving local food, preparing citizens to be active in designing a sustainable and just food system. Taking responsibility, ensuring participation, transparency and solidari…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Zerowaste Tomorrow

Basic concepts: Reduce, Reuse, Rethink, Recycle. Creating pratical working spaces, spaces that connect people, things and ideas. Working with the whole community to minimise waste by education and re…
sonja.katana commented: Great idea! It is very important to raise awarene…
on Help And Collect – Fishermen for clean Adriatic
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Great idea and so needed! Thank you! Good luck!
on Children love Natural world and are part of it
sonja.katana commented: Great and brave idea! We have also tried somethin…
on Botanicula - community garden
sonja.katana commented: It is a great idea. There is so much that could b…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
sonja.katana commented: We have so much restrictions with regulations aro…
on Meals of Power
sonja.katana commented: Thank you for your idea! We are facing similar pr…
on Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration
sonja.katana commented: Hi! We are Transition initiative from Rijeka, Cro…
on Birthing eco-conscious active citizens
sonja.katana commented: Great initiative! Good luck from Rijeka!
on In Solidarity Towards Sustainability