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Profile sonja.katana | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Better Together- growing a sustainable community

The project will be developed in a postwar rural community inhabited by socially excluded persons from different ethnic groups. The municipality is located in one of the poorest Municipalities in Cro…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Biela y Tierra / Crank and Earth

Biela y Tierra shows real projects which currently are alternatives to confronting the challenges we face as a society. Travelling by bike, we exchange experiences in depopulated areas to empower pro…
Community development

Bilingual Montessori class in PL/CZ border region

Although we live in CZ/PL border area where both nations interact for centuries there are still many prejudices which prevent good neighborhood relations. We believe the education is the most powerfu…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Biochar Educational Project

Act locally, think globally. We will train and create a dynamic network of 600 Biochar ambassadors in Girona formed by young people aged 12-18 and users of social gardens at risk of exclusion who wan…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Birthing eco-conscious active citizens

Challenge: empower & connect local communities. Objective: systemic change through active and responsible citizens. Approach: Establishing Ecotopias as eco-cultural educational participatory projects…
Environment and sustainability

Blue Sky

Building a station to measure air quality, creating a website and a Facebook page to inform the citizens about the air quality in the neighbourhood close the factory. The site and the Facebook page w…
Social inclusion | Community development

Born to be a reader

The aim of our project is to inform families with children 0-5 years old, especially those living at risk of poverty and social exclusion, on the benefits of reading to their children, encourage them…
Environment and sustainability

Botanicula - community garden

The condition is the involvement of all representatives of interest groups at the local level. At the same time, the project aims to understand the interconnectedness and interrelationship of economi…
Environment and sustainability

Brains, hearts and hands in action!

The goal of the project is to work with teachers from the South Silesian region in Poland to develop and implement a curriculum relative to students’ personal impact on the world. After that stud…
sonja.katana commented: Great idea! It is very important to raise awarene…
on Help And Collect – Fishermen for clean Adriatic
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Great idea and so needed! Thank you! Good luck!
on Children love Natural world and are part of it
sonja.katana commented: Great and brave idea! We have also tried somethin…
on Botanicula - community garden
sonja.katana commented: It is a great idea. There is so much that could b…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
sonja.katana commented: We have so much restrictions with regulations aro…
on Meals of Power
sonja.katana commented: Thank you for your idea! We are facing similar pr…
on Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration
sonja.katana commented: Hi! We are Transition initiative from Rijeka, Cro…
on Birthing eco-conscious active citizens
sonja.katana commented: Great initiative! Good luck from Rijeka!
on In Solidarity Towards Sustainability