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Profile sonja.katana | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability

Islands of Hope

Small islands are renowned sources of natural richness and cultural diversity. Yet their fate is often decided in urban political centres, while community voices, untrained in structured dialogue, ar…
Community development

It takes a village to raise a child

Vulnerable children across Romania are being left behind during COVID 19 crisis. They don’t have access to education, basic supplies, information related to prevention of COVID. And the longer child…
Community development

Jiloca, caring for the caregivers

Women, care & rural. We aim to encourage a discussion on the feminisation of care work and whether it is related to the prevalence of traditional gender roles in rural communities. We would like to a…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

KaFsimo–Active citizenship by recycling coffee!

KaFsimo is a community coffee-recycling project that addresses waste, environmental responsibility and social inclusion. Objectives:change consumer behavior; provide social and economic inclusion; …
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Klajn Park

Klajn Park is a design-and-build community project using public participation in the decision-making, planning, design, and building of a pocket park aiming at social cohesion in a rural and deprived…
Environment and sustainability

Kosmos of Sustainability Ambassadors

We are downscaling UN and EU sustainability policies through a network of grassroots ambassadors in peripheral regions of Greece. Together with CSOs, we will practice participatory decision-making fo…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


People-centered, independent creative space; in constant evolution, facing and embracing the contemporary challenges. Shaped on the basis of the real needs of the city, it is being built after a 3-ye…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


The Galician rural areas have been suffering for years from an avalanche of projects by big companies to despoil their natural resources (mining, macro-farms, wind farms).More and more citizen and en…
Community development

La Titaranya, urban space for civic revitalization

La Titaranya SCCL is a cooperative housing and social facilities in cession of use. La Titaranya is a community intervention strategy in a neighborhood where neither the market nor the public instit…
sonja.katana commented: Great idea! It is very important to raise awarene…
on Help And Collect – Fishermen for clean Adriatic
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Great idea and so needed! Thank you! Good luck!
on Children love Natural world and are part of it
sonja.katana commented: Great and brave idea! We have also tried somethin…
on Botanicula - community garden
sonja.katana commented: It is a great idea. There is so much that could b…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
sonja.katana commented: We have so much restrictions with regulations aro…
on Meals of Power
sonja.katana commented: Thank you for your idea! We are facing similar pr…
on Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration
sonja.katana commented: Hi! We are Transition initiative from Rijeka, Cro…
on Birthing eco-conscious active citizens
sonja.katana commented: Great initiative! Good luck from Rijeka!
on In Solidarity Towards Sustainability