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Profile sonja.katana | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability


Real-world interactions often force us to confront diversity and lead to reduce intergroup prejudices. Living in social bubbles, and avoid confrontation of values cause the collapse of the sense of c…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to set up a meeting place, where we can promote the famous bagpipers folkore of Jedlove Kostolany and to motivate young people to continue in this tradition to make it live as long as pos…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Folklore’s not dead: Inspiring heritage caretakers

South Moravia is the last resort of traditional dress, customs and folk art practices within the Czech Republic giving it a strong sense of local distinctiveness. Exploring this unique opportunity, “…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food and Art Forest in Vojnić

By following one of the main permaculture principles of integrating rather than segregating, the project of developing a food forest in Vojnić aims to bring together a group of women of diverse ethni…
Social inclusion | Community development

Food banking development in the town of Vratsa.

Bulgarian food bank operates since 2012. We aim to further develop our operation by starting food banking operation in the town of Vratsa, which is a central town in the North West region of Bulgari…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food r-evolution in the Rose Valley

Our project unites people around food, aiming to improve quality of life, environmental balance and to bring together opposing groups of people. We support small village producers and connect them to…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability


We invite you to cooperate and co-organize www.ForestFestival.Eu in the last European Natural Forest in Bialowieza, Poland, Europe. The real natural forest is resistant to pests and fires. Everyone …
Environment and sustainability

Forestry under Green Brigade

A Green Brigade is formed of 10 volunteers, citizens of 5 counties of Romania, most affected by illegal deforestation, people that want to document, track and find proves for the forest thief. Aarhus…
Community development

Forewarned is forearmed

Prevention of fraud by phone or “at the door” with elder people suffering. Fraud cases with elder people are often in Bulgaria, who do not have enough information re this type of fraud. Even more - t…
sonja.katana commented: Great idea! It is very important to raise awarene…
on Help And Collect – Fishermen for clean Adriatic
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Such a great idea. We had similar project going o…
on Klajn Park
sonja.katana commented: Great idea and so needed! Thank you! Good luck!
on Children love Natural world and are part of it
sonja.katana commented: Great and brave idea! We have also tried somethin…
on Botanicula - community garden
sonja.katana commented: It is a great idea. There is so much that could b…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
sonja.katana commented: We have so much restrictions with regulations aro…
on Meals of Power
sonja.katana commented: Thank you for your idea! We are facing similar pr…
on Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration
sonja.katana commented: Hi! We are Transition initiative from Rijeka, Cro…
on Birthing eco-conscious active citizens
sonja.katana commented: Great initiative! Good luck from Rijeka!
on In Solidarity Towards Sustainability