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Profile shuraleh | Civic Europe



Community development

Youth generators-From destruction to re(dis)covery

This year-long project aims to create conditions that will enable youth from Sisak - Moslavina county to discover and fulfill their potential within the local communities. This will be achieved by re…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Walkers on Water

In a civic desert, can water be a solution? The Olympic Village is a neglected social housing neighbourhood in Greece, situated outside the urban fabric of Attica, used post-Olympics as a settlement…


To address the identified challenges before of civic participation deficit and reluctance of local administration to open to stakeholders and to involve them in the decision-making process, the proje…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Journey between faith, history and beauty

Italy is the custodian of the world's treasures. Treasures preserved in small unknown places. We intend to discover the tourist appeal of an area of southern Italy to stimulate the spirit of belongin…
Social inclusion

Let’s flourish!

Let our community flourish in its diversity! Our main objectives are to raise awareness on integration as a two-way process, to empower immigrant women to take an active part and to build inclusive w…

Tandemo - Battle of ideas

Tandemo proposes an online debate tool for raising awareness on sensitive subjects, creating dialogue and cooperation bridges in 6 schools from towns in South Romania. Subjects are proposed and vote…
Environment and sustainability

Roots & Shoots Slovakia

Roots & Shoots Slovakia is a project which is oriented on innovating and redefining current environmental education of secondary schools students in Slovak Republic, aiming to develop the currently m…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Touch is forbidden – what now?

Deafblind people may not be able to hear you, may not be able to see you, but this doesn’t mean that they could not express themselves creatively and communicate with you through sign language and to…
Environment and sustainability

Engaging communities for civic engagement (ECCE)

Main objective of the project is to provide informal educational workshops to citizens in "civic desert" areas of Croatian Slavonia and Dalmatia regions which have a low level of pluralism and civic …
shuraleh added a new idea My Friend Shuraleh
to Idea Challenge 2020