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Profile shuraleh | Civic Europe



Community development

Screening based community for active citizenship

Our idea is a community development initiative that supports isolated regional groups by tutoring local actors on organizing public events in the form of community cinema. For this, we have worked ou…
Community development


“If current trends continue for another 20 or 30 years the democracy will be toast” said Yascha Mounk. In order to improve our democracy, we need to repair its’ foundation through civic participation…
Environment and sustainability

Another Tomorrow

Between investment-oriented tourism and state capture at the local level, there is very little room for public debate on the island of Vis, Croatia, and motivation for civic engagement is low. By bri…

The School of Freedom

The project is a series of practical workshops aiming to empower young people to become active and responsible citizens. Follow-up to our legal education project, this project's purpose is to educate…

Empowered and Resilient Roma Communities

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, elderly and health professionals are most at risk but vulnerable Roma are in particular danger as well — and yet, they've been mostly overlooked. We are aiming…
Arts and cultural activities

Diversity is a treasure, not an issue

In ethnically divided Vukovar we will face a challenge to change local/national mindset that Vukovar is a “case”, an “issue”, and provoke local citizens’ active participation on promotion of their de…
Community development

Future Rising Youth

In the conditions of great cultural and community diversity, the connection with the traditions and roots is lost, which is most painfully manifested in the young generation. This leads to migration …
Social inclusion


The project will develop a discussion on how prejudice about people from certain areas can jeopardize and belittle people in everyday communication, even threaten their right to equality and sovereig…
Community development

Rural Youth Project

In this world, where young people create movements, tackle big challenges and start the change in important fields, in Romania, in many rural communities and small town the adults still consider that…
shuraleh added a new idea My Friend Shuraleh
to Idea Challenge 2020