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Profile shuraleh | Civic Europe



Community development

Empowerment of the leaders

The purpose of this project is to empower local associations, programs, and actions in rural areas of Croatia that are engaged in social advocacy and social influencing projects. 30 leaders will get …
Community development


Crises like COVID-19 both exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and create new ones, especially in fragile contexts where children already face heightened risks of violence.We want to reduce the vulner…
Environment and sustainability

Engaging communities for civic engagement (ECCE)

Main objective of the project is to provide informal educational workshops to citizens in "civic desert" areas of Croatian Slavonia and Dalmatia regions which have a low level of pluralism and civic …

Engaging Humenne citizens in better governance

In 2018 Humenne was the least transparent municipality in Slovakia according to the Transparency International. We want to change this by engaging citizens to learn to love town and care about it. Th…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

FactoryGarden / GyárKert

GyárKert is a long-term community art project, initiated by the habitants of a marginalized district of Budapest. We define our project as 'cross sector co-commissioning', as it relies on a joint cur…
Community development

Feminism on Wheels

This is a journey for gender equality, developed by human rights activists.We have a groundwork commitment to strengthen women participation.We aim to promote decentralized initiatives, deconstruct n…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food and Art Forest in Vojnić

By following one of the main permaculture principles of integrating rather than segregating, the project of developing a food forest in Vojnić aims to bring together a group of women of diverse ethni…
Environment and sustainability

Forestry under Green Brigade

A Green Brigade is formed of 10 volunteers, citizens of 5 counties of Romania, most affected by illegal deforestation, people that want to document, track and find proves for the forest thief. Aarhus…

FRagile to AGILE Community (R)Evolution

To reduce division and isolation, residents, NGOs, local government and institutions as local stakeholders need to learn and start co-creating sustainable development contexts. We'll work together, f…
shuraleh added a new idea My Friend Shuraleh
to Idea Challenge 2020