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Profile shuraleh | Civic Europe



Arts and cultural activities

Diversity is a treasure, not an issue

In ethnically divided Vukovar we will face a challenge to change local/national mindset that Vukovar is a “case”, an “issue”, and provoke local citizens’ active participation on promotion of their de…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Domogled 2.0 - landscape civic art and activism

Our landscape project is meant to explore a National Park located near the oldest spa resort from S-E Europe, Herculane Baths (Băile Herculane). Alongside, we intend to build an open source network f…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Donate your clothes to the poor. No more waste.

In Romania, only a little is said and known about the impact of textile waste. Our application aims to raise people’s awareness of the fact that old textiles can be either donated and reused by peopl…
Community development

DOOR - Pursuit the Common Sense

Amid of the accelerated alienation of the sons of small towns & villages due to a permanent exodus of labor force abroad and to the main Romanian cities, the spiritual identity, economic power and c…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Dream a Future

Bringing together in conversation and networking citizens of all 3 regions of our county in innovative and inclusive way to discuss common problems and find solutions for balanced development of all …
Social inclusion | Community development

Educated Women = Strong Society

A society with educated people is a strong society. In the current context of the health crisis, the world has changed,now communication and many of the usual activities have passed into the online e…
Community development

Eleven Changes

Eleven Goals. Eleven groups. Eleven changes...both personal and local. The Eleven Changes project aims at taking 150 young people through a transformative learning process, challenging them to crit…

Empowered and Resilient Roma Communities

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, elderly and health professionals are most at risk but vulnerable Roma are in particular danger as well — and yet, they've been mostly overlooked. We are aiming…
Community development

Empowerment of people with rare forms of diabetes

Very few people know that the average time to diagnose a rare disease worldwide is about 5 years. These are years of research, ambiguity, symptomatic treatment and excruciating anxiety for the person…
shuraleh added a new idea My Friend Shuraleh
to Idea Challenge 2020