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Profile shuraleh | Civic Europe



Community development

Civic Leaders | Bucovina

We're in a small city in Romania (Bucovina) with 20.000 people where the cultural life went out totally due to lack of infrastructure, funding and public demand. Our objective is to mobilize 20 p…

Civic RESPONSE-ability

Civic RESPONSE-ability will bring together 60 youths from four 'civic desert' municipalities in Croatia, in a participatory, innovative, experiential-learning-based civic engagement project in which …
Community development

Civic Starters

An integrated approach to support social innovation and active citizenship in medium-sized cities in Romania with a focus on empowerment and community engagement. A pilot phase would take place in 3 …
Arts and cultural activities

Classical Music Project-Women Only

Throughout history, position of women in society was underestimated for a long period of time. Some reminders of this worldview are still present in the Croatian society and especially in culturally …

Cliteracy caravan

The clitoris is the most optimistic element of the feminine body, as the only organ whose function is just pleasure. But the history of dealing with female physicality is characterized by censorship …
Social inclusion | Community development

Connecting Romania

During the pandemic a gap has been created: a gap between the ones that have access to the internet and proper devices and the ones that do not. We want to decrease the gap by ensuring the basic nece…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating community

We seek to promote a joint reflection on coexistence in the rural world that involves all the social groups that comprise it. With the collected opinions, we will create a community Forum Theater sho…

DARE to engage

Romanian democracy has, over recent years, been marked by anti-corruption protests, low trust in political institutions, and an ever-increasing tension between groups. We aim to bridge social divides…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Digital Fabrication is for Everyone

Industry jobs have excluded people with mobility disabilities as it was comprised of many physical activities. Automation, robotics, new technologies such as additive manufacturing have revolutionize…
shuraleh added a new idea My Friend Shuraleh
to Idea Challenge 2020