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Profile scholanovadivarano | Civic Europe


Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Stay local and act global – be a leader of change

Croatia is facing a huge depopulation that is particularly visible in rural areas, and people must to take action to create conditions in the community in which they want to build families, businesse…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment

In the ancient village, the town above, it seems that there are only two possible futures: the complete abandonment or the transformation into a tourist attraction; our idea fosters different and div…
Community development

RE.CO.VER:REbuilding by a COmmunity basEd appRoach

Can you imagine rebuilding a place heavily damaged by an earthquake without the involvement of its inhabitants? Certainly not! The project aims to bring citizens point of view into the rebuilding …
Community development | Law, advocacy and policy

Centripetal Ancona - Ancona Centripeta

How to change the perception of a city from an idea of lack of opportunities and a standard quality of life in a magnetic nebula of: innovation, participation, engagement and well-being? How to make…
Community development | Education and research

Dragonfly Council

We are aiming to improve the communication in the schools in our town, both internal (between teachers and pupils) and external (between teachers and parents). We are developing an unique practice of…
Community development | Social inclusion


San Cristóbal is a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Madrid. Its vulnerable population have difficulties to access food due to a lack of livelihoods, and the existing initiatives are not coordinated. …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment


Hub for trainings and Civic academy for tolerance, social inclusion and responsible citizenship in the society with the focus on basic human values and principles. Working with youth groups, we will …
Education and research | Youth participation and empowerment

"Share Your Knowledge, Not Your Homework"

In today’s world, we like to think that education is the only passport to a better future, but Croatian students seem to disagree: “Grades and integrity do not matter as much as having friends and fa…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Rural forums: bottom-up solutions for Krk island

Krk island is facing many problems that are accelerating rural depopulation and creating rifts inside of the remaining rural communities. The local and national authorities are not addressing these i…
scholanovadivarano commented: Great project! We noted it only now; it connects …
on The Little Garden Project
scholanovadivarano commented: THANKS for the last-minute support we hope it wil…
on Such a great idea! Congratulations, wishing well in the progress of this project!
scholanovadivarano commented: A great project we support you because initially,…
on Dragonfly Council
scholanovadivarano commented: We support you at the last minute. Good luck with…
on Growing the Tree-nity of Resilience