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Profile mirko.marangione | Civic Europe



Social inclusion

Let’s flourish!

Let our community flourish in its diversity! Our main objectives are to raise awareness on integration as a two-way process, to empower immigrant women to take an active part and to build inclusive w…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Nature my Home

The project aims to strengthen the community by raising awareness of the local heritage and unique biodiversity of the primeval forest of Kočevski Rog as well as creating opportunities for non-formal…
Social inclusion

Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society

Eastern Europe is marked by deep social inequalities. Simultaneously, young people are developing a sense of civic duty and are interested in becoming active citizens, but they are often not aware of…
Social inclusion


“WORK(OUT)SIDE THE BOX“ wants to encourage discussion in the rural area of Imotski about physical exercise and suppress stareotypes existing due to the general view that workout exclusively serves as…
Community development

MYC! Milan Youth Challenge against discrimination

The project “MYC!” boosts the role of young people in fighting intolerance starting from their local youth centers in the most peripheral areas of the City of Milan. The youth will become the protag…

Tandemo - Battle of ideas

Tandemo proposes an online debate tool for raising awareness on sensitive subjects, creating dialogue and cooperation bridges in 6 schools from towns in South Romania. Subjects are proposed and vote…

Local media - the voice of civil society

For 3rd year, Bulgaria is on 111th place in the rank of "Reporters without borders." Independent media suffers from lack of funding. The freedom of media and the active civil society are related. We …
Social inclusion

Youth Democracy Academy

Bringing youth at the center of the stage and breaking a top-down approach in democracy. These are the main aims of “Youth Democracy Academy”, a program that will take place in four Portuguese munici…
Arts and cultural activities


Common Ground will be implemented in the Tzoumerka area of Epirus. The goal is to enhance relationship with the arts, highlight art as a vehicle of communication, and provide space for everyone no ma…
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Andycimy, thank you for your support and wel…
on Great project! I support your idea
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Brother, thank you for your support and welc…
on Great project!
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Friend, thank you for your support and welco…
on Fingers crossed for this outstanding project 🤞🏼☘️
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Friend, thank you for your support and welco…
on It's a wonderful idea! I hope you will get all the support you need!
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Friend, thank you for your support and welco…
on It's a good idea: I agree with you
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Friend, thank you for your support and welco…
on Great idea! Hope you’ll be able to realize it 👍🏼
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Francesca, thank you for your support and we…
on good idea!
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Friend, thank you for your support and welco…
on bell'iniziativa...complimenti.
mirko.marangione commented: Dear Francesco, thank you for your support and we…
on Gran bella idea! Spero riusciate a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi!