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Profile | Civic Europe

(Social) Entrepreneurship | Social inclusion

Together we are stronger

We want to provide the elderly from the local environment access to free services at their homes, because they can no longer do so on their own, due to age and various health limitations. These are e…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Being the citizen that I am

What if your voice could be heard? What if you could reach other people by speaking your truth and by listening to theirs? Join this theatre group and share your expectations, your fears, and, most i…
Community development | Human rights

What's The Problem?

In a city where poverty and human rights violations are a norm, youngsters and working-class people cannot defend themselves from social injustices in any way and become hostages to a poor living env…
Arts and cultural activities | Youth participation and empowerment

River of Youth - the creative minds of our city

River of Youth is an educational and civic inclusion programme. ROY will utilise a cultural production as a cross disciplinary, educational methodology to stimulate high school students and prepare t…
Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Human rights on tour

A six-month bus tour of Italy will be organized to promote citizens' rights and duties, stimulate active discussion among participants, and help to understand the tools of juridical protection. The t…
Community development | Journalism

Voice of the civil socaiety

We strive for greater visibility and recognition of civil society, the NGO sector, and ethnic and migrant groups through media engagement. We want to create a well-equipped community studio that woul…
Community development | Human rights

Do Better Together

In the smallest settlements - the villages around Pleven, are living the poorest people, the ones with underdeveloped economic situation and lowest quality of life. In such places the civic activity …
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment


We plan to promote plasicless shopping in Sofia city center by providing application for consumers to know where and what they can shop plasticless . The plastic is the best material for packaging of…
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Level-Up CommYOUnity
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Women of Change
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Giving is receiving
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Together for the City Center
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on 50 Shades of Waste
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on".
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Meet Your New Neighbours