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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development | Environment and sustainability

Where Tomato means Paradise

“Paradicsom” is a homonymous word in Hungarian: stands for the vegetable tomato and also means Paradise. Our community space “Paradicsom'' connects diverse groups with its social and physical infrast…
Health | Social inclusion

Arianna. Connect isolated people.

Project "Arianna" is born from a young female engineer who, having faced an oncological disease, experienced firsthand the social isolation and lack of information of when one is catapulted into a di…
Community development | Law, advocacy and policy


The civil culture and the motivation for participation in the governance in the small communities in the district of Burgas are at a lower level than the ones needed in the democratic society. The pr…
Community development | Human rights

Ambassadors now!

All Slovenian inhabitants have the right to access public healthcare services, but do they? Even in a time of a pandemic? Cultural and linguistic barriers are the real-life Roma people face every…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

EVERYONE’S OASIS. From being apart to being a part

Desert oases are a peaceful meeting place and a crossroads of cultures. The project aims to promote inclusiveness by fostering mutual exchange between different ethnic groups, with culture as a main …
Human rights | Youth participation and empowerment


The purpose of our campaign is to raise awareness of the public in the broadest sense about the unacceptable and irresponsible conduct of the society, when faced with sexual exploitation and abuse of…
Arts and cultural activities

Cinema and cultural place renovation

Cinema Veli Lošinj it has existed since 1920, when it was purposely built for the needs of cinema screenings that were active until 1945. After the end of the Second World War, the building was conve…
Community development | Social inclusion

From Grandma with Love: A Legacy of Values

We will create a living laboratory for social and technological activities. The idea is to work for increased knowledge and new technological skills by sharing culinary traditions. The main goal of …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Together for the City Center

Every city deserves a nice center. For Ústí nad Labem to deserve it, it is necessary to connect important partners: citizens, public administration, experts, schools, and owners of land which have be…
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Level-Up CommYOUnity
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Women of Change
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Giving is receiving
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Together for the City Center
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on 50 Shades of Waste
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on".
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Meet Your New Neighbours