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Profile | Civic Europe

Law, advocacy and policy | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth For You

People are disengaged with politics despite the influence that it has on their life Election turn outs are low, especially in the 18-25 age group This means that extremists get an undiluted vote an…
Community development

Building Bridges for Cohesive & Active Communities

With 12,800 inhabitants, 40% non-greek immigrants, the community has a diversity of life experiences, economic status, cultures and languages. With limited opportunities for effective engagement at …
Law, advocacy and policy | Youth participation and empowerment

Sign Digital, Impact Real.

Sharing your idea, having a debate and getting people onboard about a civic initiative is almost impossible when you’re gathering signatures en masse on the street. What if you had access to an onlin…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Acceso 24

Puente de Vallecas is a neighborhood in Madrid with the highest rate of people with disabilities yet most of the public institutions are inaccessible and nobody is working on eliminating physical, so…
Youth participation and empowerment

Citizenship begins from the Childhood

The children are born and begin to develop as a citizen from the first years of their life. The school teaches subjects with components of social and civic knowledge and skills. The philosophical bas…
Community development

Heritage volunteers and friends for Sakar

Despite the lack of local development policies and civic cohesion, and the general skepticism towards volunteering in the town, we have joined forces for heritage volunteering with the vision for rev…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Fanzidades - Words Beyond Borders

This Community Media project aims to create a strong shared sense of identity among the ethnically diverse residents of a peripheral neighbourhood in Lisbon. Its methodology will hinge around partici…
Community development | Law, advocacy and policy

Centripetal Ancona - Ancona Centripeta

How to change the perception of a city from an idea of lack of opportunities and a standard quality of life in a magnetic nebula of: innovation, participation, engagement and well-being? How to make…
Law, advocacy and policy | Youth participation and empowerment

Act Green: Young People as Game Changers

Young people are the agents of change, and small cities and villages are the living labs where high-school students can shape local communities and help them embrace environmental policies and behavi…
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Level-Up CommYOUnity
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Women of Change
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Giving is receiving
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Together for the City Center
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on 50 Shades of Waste
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on".
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Meet Your New Neighbours