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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

PlaceMake Democracy

Youth in Bulgaria are often excluded from civic life, and this practice has led to chronic lack of engagement. We aim to engage young people in social processes through placemaking which will allow t…
Human rights | Journalism

Political is Personal

Multimedia campaigns for activists, initiatives and movements for raising awareness about most urgent social problems, strengthening and connecting civic organizations, while building national awaren…
Community development | Journalism

Print-it-Yourself (Nyomtass te is)

The Print-it-Yourself project was launched in response to the Hungarian government's near-total control over the media. Our goal is to provide fact-based, non-partisan news for the Roma and non-Roma …
Community development

ProBono Expertise for Mission Driven Organisations

We embrace pro bono superpowers of the corporate communities and harness them in favor of mission driven organisations (NGOs and Social entrepreneurs) to ensure their agility and resilience to effect…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Psychedelic with the Classics

We identified the problem and found a positive potential in the people affected: cultural pursuits and motivation to improve their lives. We will engage a youth community in a village and a pilot gro…
Health | Social inclusion

"Public Health Narratives"

Bringing together diverse people originating from host (Greek) and hosted (refugee and migrants) communities to discuss and exchange views, perceptions and knowledge on (public) health issues has a p…
Community development | Social inclusion

Rabute of Istria

For centuries the villagers of Istria were helping each other in a tradition of voluntary charity actions called “rabute”. The tradition was lost due to modern individualism and conflicts in the vill…
Community development

RE.CO.VER:REbuilding by a COmmunity basEd appRoach

Can you imagine rebuilding a place heavily damaged by an earthquake without the involvement of its inhabitants? Certainly not! The project aims to bring citizens point of view into the rebuilding …
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Red Line Campaign

We are a group of artists and activists that use craftivism to envolve especially “non activists”, into the climate movement. We create groups and teach people how to knit. We make it fun to discuss …
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Level-Up CommYOUnity
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Women of Change
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Giving is receiving
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Together for the City Center
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on 50 Shades of Waste
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on".
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Meet Your New Neighbours