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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development | Health

It’s on Our Plate and We Care

How to build a healthy environment for the whole school community, while respecting the boundaries of our planet? Almost everyone agrees that healthy school nutritional environment is important, but …
(Social) Entrepreneurship | Youth participation and empowerment

It’s Up to Us | От нас зависи

We want to organize an 8-week entrepreneurship program in several small municipalities in North-West Bulgaria, which would encourage local people to look for opportunities for developing their region…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


Although 23% of the area of the Goierri region is a useful land area and 20% of the population is rural, primary sector employment accounts for only 1% of the total. The main objective is to generate…
Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

League of Fair Play Football

As near as in 1999 a wall was built to separate the Roma communities from the rest of the population in Usti nad Labem. The current situation in Karlovy Vary region is not so far from some similar so…
Community development

Legality W.E.L.C.O.M.E.

The project has its roots in a territory where organized crime controls people's lives, offering itself as an alternative capable of promoting a process of guidance for the community aimed at the re-…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment


We plan to promote plasicless shopping in Sofia city center by providing application for consumers to know where and what they can shop plasticless . The plastic is the best material for packaging of…
Community development

Let’s dialogue about it

Polish society is becoming more and more polarized. Social diversity is a fact, but walls of social divisions impede neighbourly co-existence in local communities, especially for persons from minorit…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Level-Up CommYOUnity

Level-Up CommYOUnity is a project idea that will boost youth participation like it should always have been - fun, engaging and rewarding. We want to co-create a digital system with the Youth Sector a…
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Level-Up CommYOUnity
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Women of Change
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Giving is receiving
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Together for the City Center
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on 50 Shades of Waste
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on".
31.05.2021 commented: Wow, what a wonderful finish line :-) We cross ou…
on Meet Your New Neighbours