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Profile juanmanuelrodilla | Civic Europe



Social inclusion


Intertwined wants to change the public perception of refugees as incapable outsiders. By creating a space where refugees and Greeks can meet, engage with each other and start a conversation, we will …
Community development | Social inclusion

Spaces of inclusion and participation

Improving cooperation between civil society and the local community in the use of public spaces and increasing the use of public spaces for social life at the local level through cross-sectoral coope…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


The Galician rural areas have been suffering for years from an avalanche of projects by big companies to despoil their natural resources (mining, macro-farms, wind farms).More and more citizen and en…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Wake up and compost!

Bio-waste from Rijeka's neighbourhoods ends up in regional waste management centre infamous as ecological threat to the local ecosystem and hazardous to surrounding population. Citizens from the Rije…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Dialogue & Action for the Future

The small village is facing the challenge of growth and development in a changing world and is continuously decreasing in terms of demographics, local economic and social structures. But, even the sm…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


Although 23% of the area of the Goierri region is a useful land area and 20% of the population is rural, primary sector employment accounts for only 1% of the total. The main objective is to generate…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Community Garden

Community Garden is THE place for authentic interaction in the urban space. Community Garden is at the same time an urban garden enjoying the benefits of self sustainability and a place for social i…
Community development | Social inclusion

Awesome Power: caring for the homeless together

According to the EPA, Bulgaria's mental health system is falling apart leading to people falling through the net, and often even to human rights violations. People who do not have acute symptoms but …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

The Nest a rural shelter for the community

We want to reactivate a public space that used to be the place of reunion for the elderly community of a village to transform it in an open intergenerational space for the community. With culture and…
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Congrats for this interesting idea! We are contac…
on Rights in the Garden
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Great idea! Congratulations. We are proposing a p…
on Intertwined
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Very interesting idea, congratulations. We propos…
on Spaces of inclusion and participation
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Great project aiming at supporting community life…
on Botanicula - community garden
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Very interesting project congratulations! We love…
on The Little Garden Project
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Very nive project allowing people to appropiate a…
on Green Islands
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Very interesting to provide spaces for grassroot …
on Community center for a citizen-led neighborhood
juanmanuelrodilla commented: Dear Carlota, Thanks so much for your kind words…
on Hello, very interesting project! We are supporting you! Good luck!