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Profile halongobg | Civic Europe


Environment and sustainability

Climate For Health

The project aims to create conditions for understanding the problems of the urban environment and climate change and to involve citizens in activities to stimulate public initiative, citizenship and …
Community development

Growing Your Future from Seeds and Ideas

We will work with people that we call the “new settlers” – young individuals or couples who are leaving behind life in the city to settle in rural areas in North-East Bulgaria. Covid-19 has triggered…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

“Garden for hope”

Our great desire is to give people space and opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge in the field of organic farming and beekeeping, which will enable them to organize their own small farms. …
Community development | Social inclusion

From Grandma with Love: A Legacy of Values

We will create a living laboratory for social and technological activities. The idea is to work for increased knowledge and new technological skills by sharing culinary traditions. The main goal of …
Community development

ProBono Expertise for Mission Driven Organisations

We embrace pro bono superpowers of the corporate communities and harness them in favor of mission driven organisations (NGOs and Social entrepreneurs) to ensure their agility and resilience to effect…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage

The specific challenge set in the project idea is to achieve agreement, unanimity and common policies of the local community on the ways, methods and technologies in the activities for preservation a…
Community development

Youth volunteering in support of local communities

Strengthen and expand TimeHeroes’ support for a network of youth, organising volunteer initiatives across small Bulgarian towns by year-long online mentorship, regular in-person training and peer-to-…
Social inclusion

The children of today – the leaders of tomorrow

Our idea is aimed at children aged 7 to 18 living in a region with low civic cohesion. Through the trainings provided in the project, the children will develop the ability to think critically, to add…
Community development

THE RIGHT TO THE VILLAGE - retaking rural commons

Are social rights territory and age determined? Oh, yes-they are! What if just representation in economy, politics and media was the norm for those living outside big cities? Join us on a ride called…
halongobg commented: Thank you! We suported you, too!
on Great idea dear colleagues. Gladly we supported you.
halongobg commented: It is so nice to see that there is such a good id…
on HortiCulture Together
halongobg added a new idea Citizens budgets
to Idea Challenge 2021
halongobg commented: Excellent project! We hope you can open food ware…
on Food banking development in the town of Vratsa.