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Profile blagovesta.kraleva | Civic Europe



Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Hear me!

Hear me! is all about listening. Youth’s voice will be heard and recognized for the first time and their lives will change from that time on as equal members of the community. Our goal is to break th…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Logorun - creating tactics for island regeneration

The project is focused on interdisciplinary educational approach that deals with the potentials of demilitarized and abandoned areas of island of Logorun. During project activities,local community wi…
Education and research | Social inclusion

Teaching Peace & Empathy in Local Communities

We are experiencing the rise of populism and xenophobia. This affects especially communities outside of large cities, where there are no educational or political ways of preventing it. We will train …
Arts and cultural activities | Youth participation and empowerment

F-SIDES Chapters

We plan on setting up and coordinating 10 -15 local chapters of a cineclub dedicated to women in film, taking into consideration the power that film has as an educational tool and empowering girls an…
Health | Social inclusion

Protect Our Children's Mental Health

One of the most disturbing and underestimated trend of our times is an impact of technology development to our kids' menthal health. We have been observing our kids in front of their screen for a cou…
Education and research | Social inclusion

GENE CLAMP 2 elderly and young student couples

In the framework of the “ GENE CLAMP 1” project, we already have experience in organizing learning pairs, because all parties were satisfied with the results when measuring satisfaction. We created l…
Law, advocacy and policy | Social inclusion

Păuleasca on the right way

Isolation,helplessness,reduced access to education and services.These 3 things define the community, which in the winter and in the flooding season becomes completly isolated from the outside world, …
Social inclusion


An online social and media education program conducted for a group of women in jail. As a result, their social participation and self-advocacy will be initiated. The participants will run a blog eWKr…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Inclusive Playground “PlaYce for All”

Children with physical disabilities don’t have a place to play. They and their families are often isolated because most of the urban environment is not adapted to their needs. We join forces with chi…
blagovesta.kraleva commented: Awesome idea! :) Best of luck!
on Inclusive Playground “PlaYce for All”
blagovesta.kraleva commented: This is so true! I hope you manage to raise aware…
on Breaking free from instant lottery
blagovesta.kraleva commented: Wow! Sounds like a dream! I hope you can make it …
on Little Buda Project - InFarm
blagovesta.kraleva commented: Sounds wonderful! I hope you can achieve it! Best…
on Working together,we can transform our Marvila
blagovesta.kraleva commented: Great idea! We are a team of mothers too, hoping …
on Mother2Mother empowerment project
blagovesta.kraleva commented: Listening is so important and so underestimated i…
on Hear me!