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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion | Community development

Rising Ptuj!

Communities of the town of Ptuj are disconnected and detached from identity links to town's past and its rich cultural history. This leads to disintegration of heritage, decline in the city's develop…
Community development

Roma cultural heritage

We are focused on improving the conditions of Roma settlements in the Košice region. Our goal is to increase the number of Roma who are willing to work in their surroundings and to change the negativ…
Social inclusion

Roma women are Feminists!

The impoverished port city of Cartagena in south Spain is challenged by a great risk of polarization, as the far right party gets immense political power. Our city needs empowered social leaders to d…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Roots of memory

The economic model and the urban-centric paradigm entail difficulties for marginalized rural areas, such as Serra d’Espadà and Tinença de Benifassà, which call for meaningful action. We aim to empowe…
Community development

Rural to be Woman

"Rural to be woman" is a initiative for the visibility of rural women and the encouragement of their active participation. Through co-produced formats, the project provides tools to promote a more co…
Social inclusion


Islamophobia has increased considerably in Slovakia, but… What if Slovaks meet their Muslim neighbors? What if Priest, Rabbi and Imam meet in Encounter? Slovaks know very little about Islam and Musli…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Social inclusion | Community development

Self-made women of the postwar border

Gender inequality and social exclusion of women is particularly highlighted in rural counties that had been damaged by the war in the 1990's followed by deindustrialization, poverty, ethnic division,…
Arts and cultural activities

Shaping AfroGreekness

Shaping AfroGreekness is about racial equality in yet another European country. AfroGreeks are not accepted as citizens of the country and are in a liminal sense of belonging. This rooted issue beco…