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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion

Participation - we the citizens take the lead

The project aims to stimulate civic participation in small cities in Northeastern Bulgaria, by promoting dialogue to create an environment for social inclusion, improving interaction between stakehol…
Community development

Participatory Consultations for A Medieval City ~

Living in the Medieval City of Rhodes is challenging. The monument, an acknowledged World Heritage Site, consists of many layers of culture, needs, visible and invisible aspects. The way it lives, ev…
Community development

Pass it on!

In Socratic Institute we work each year with 20 young leaders from various communities – they get an intensive year-long training and make their own local projects. In this project we want our 140 gr…
Environment and sustainability


There is a degraded land in need of regeneration and a social fabric in need of cohesion. We want to build a community around the collective care of the land, lifting fragile people from their condit…
Arts and cultural activities


Today photography is an alternate language we all communicate in on a daily basis. In Bulgaria, outside the big cities, there is no access to any form of photography education. Even in the big cit…
Community development

Polis Heritage Paths

To raise awareness of the citizens about the tangible and intangible heritage of their "polis" (greek city), we engage them in a story-sharing procedure that will bring them closer to each other and …
Social inclusion

Post-war migrants remember. What do they tell us?

To draw attention to different views on migration in the context of current policy in Europe. Based on real stories of inhabitants of three nationalities Czechs, Germans, Romanian Slovaks - in one bo…

Pre-election Civic Lobbying Accelerator

Peripheral regions exhibit the lowest voter turn-out (40 % in Karlovarský and Ústecký in 2017 general election). Citizens there often distrust parliamentary democracy and feel overlooked by politicia…
Arts and cultural activities

Present the Future, Nógrád!

‘Present the Future, Nógrád!’ targets youth in Nógrád, where the educational system fails to offer perspective leading to social and political apathy and a negative attitude towards learning, partici…