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Profile | Civic Europe

Environment and sustainability | Community development

Green and abundant - the village of the future

We live in a beautiful rural village. Unfortunately, there are many landfills in the village valleys and they are still growing. We want to build a strong community and all together bring sustainable…
Environment and sustainability

Green challenges and youth changes

Project solves problem of generation gaps in ecological thinking, provides nonformal education and encourages youth initiatives of rural youth for “green challenges” to protect environment and fight …
Environment and sustainability | Community development


Biodiversity and pollinators are essential for our lives. They represent a healthy society that we must aspire for our future. Sharing ecological practices in a creative way; promoting beehives des…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Hello Neighbour

"Hello Neighbour" educates rural youth through art, culture and democratic values. We will buy and customize a bus driving through the Ribera Baixa region and inviting people to pop in. Teens will ar…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Heroes are close to you!

We bring theater, dramatic heroes to remote communities, bring together Roma and non-Roma communities, support them in finding their local heroes and present them by cooperative art work, in order to…
Social inclusion | Community development

HOpen (Hope + Open) Garden

Empower the students to improve and maintain the garden, as a way of occupation, and developing handcrafted products made with the garden’s production (teas and jams) for the dissemination of their w…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

IMIS - Intelligent Migrant Integration System

The proposal intends to create an app backed by a website that will work as a local grass-route social network for cultural interactions. IMIS will focus on migrants, developing and implementing a cu…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

InArt – Inclusive Art

We foster social integration of young people with disabilities in cultural organisations and through performative arts. We founded world's first folk group composed entirely by disabled youth. We org…

Increasing Roma participation in policy making

There is no debate about how discriminated against is the Roma community in Romania. Even though there are Roma representatives in the Parliament, they are not connected to the community and the Roma…