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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion

Europe Must Act

The Aegean Islands have descended into crisis. 40,000 asylum seekers now live in camps built for just 6,000. 5 years of neglectful EU policy are culminating in citizen protests, human rights abuses a…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


Exploratorium is focused on empowering and skill raising for school-children in terms of nature and environmental protection. The children due to the COVID crisis are home learning via online tools a…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

FactoryGarden / GyárKert

GyárKert is a long-term community art project, initiated by the habitants of a marginalized district of Budapest. We define our project as 'cross sector co-commissioning', as it relies on a joint cur…
Arts and cultural activities

- fertile ground -

In the emblematic area of Lipasmata (Fertilizers), which the local Municipality succeeded to redevelop after years of reclaiming, our project creates a prototype for civic participation where the com…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Festival Verão Azul and community projects

The anthropocene concept in known as a geological concept but today it has to be seen as a prismatic concept that involves economy and social issues, besides the environmental ones. With these projec…
Arts and cultural activities

Filmic bridges

Living in diversity is getting difficult as the social polarization grows. In at least 4 Polish towns, a series of debates on contentious topics in mixed groups beyond the division lines will take pl…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

[fjúžn] - the world we have at home

We have been organizing [fjúžn] festival of new minorities in Bratislava for 15 years. It brings topics of migration and life of foreigners closer to the general public, creates a space for meetings …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to set up a meeting place, where we can promote the famous bagpipers folkore of Jedlove Kostolany and to motivate young people to continue in this tradition to make it live as long as pos…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Folklore’s not dead: Inspiring heritage caretakers

South Moravia is the last resort of traditional dress, customs and folk art practices within the Czech Republic giving it a strong sense of local distinctiveness. Exploring this unique opportunity, “…