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Profile apedsighisoara | Civic Europe



Social inclusion | Community development

Lifeology for teenagers – subject about you

through more than 100nonformal learning methods and activities,they are able to raise their skills for REAL LIFE.Through main 4 topics:Innerscience–how to find their strengths,weaknesses, selfrespect…
Community development

Move your finger

The project comes from the need young people to learn to organize and look for answers to the problems they face. The key and reason for success is that youth will participate in every aspect of the …
Community development

No Pain No Gain

With the help os the sport, like a „gate activity”, we will involve and motivate the young persons and their family of the surrounding small settlements, that let a part be taken in the community lif…

Growing 2gether

The joys and responsibilities of parenthood are not shared equally in our society. Within this project we aim to target and put in focus need of shared parenting and caregiving among millenials and b…
Social inclusion


Society has chosen to marginalize people with Asperger’s Syndrome, instead of taking advantage of their specific characteristics that would consist special assets for some businesses sectors. Who wou…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Creating together in Kuklen

Our project sets out to overcome prejudice and misunderstanding between Bulgarians, Turks and Roma living in the small town of Kuklen (South Bulgaria). Children will participate together in a schedul…
Social inclusion

Second Tree Solidarity Centre

The Solidarity Centre brings colour to local life and dignity to thousands of refugees currently isolated from it. Through the concept of a co-working space, the Centre provides much-needed services …
Community development


Crises like COVID-19 both exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and create new ones, especially in fragile contexts where children already face heightened risks of violence.We want to reduce the vulner…
Community development

Help rural youth find their inner civic self

Ana, 14, lives in rural Transylvania. She just got her ID but has no idea of its use. She often hears adults regretting Ceausescu’s era and criticizing Romania’s EU membership. She checks every indi…
apedsighisoara commented: Multumim
on Mult succes!
apedsighisoara commented: Thank you
on Good luck, people! The idea is very nice!
apedsighisoara commented: Multumim!
on Felicitări pentru inițiativa. Succes!