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Profile ana mihalcea | Civic Europe

ana mihalcea

ana mihalcea

Social inclusion

Bridging the Gap!

To counter the populist nationalist rise in Croatian politics, this project reaches out across the racist fueled divide between women of Croat and Roma ethnic groups in peripheral parts of Croatia. E…
Social inclusion | Community development

Bring us things you no longer need, take ones you

Can beautiful items only be purchased in fancy shops? Is there a better destiny for the appliances we no longer need or find worth keeping than a landfill? What if things you don’t need could be way …
Social inclusion

Changemakers for Migration

To change the narrative around migration from “takers” to “makers” by identifying, connecting and supporting changemakers and social innovators with a migrant perspective. This will also make their c…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Changing the World Through Art

People with special needs, migrants, other people, who are trying to fit in! Let’s help the society to accept them! We will use art as a medium for better understanding of their lives as it influence…
Social inclusion | Community development

“Charisma" - Opening Doors for Bright Children

Long-term positive social change requires investing in youth. We will support gifted kids with fewer opportunities to reach their full potential through evidence-based workshops and enrichment activi…
Social inclusion


We intend to stimulate the inclusion and integration in Bari and Apulia region, of migrant and refugee children of second generation, working on a child-centred approach, both at the educational and …

Citizens’ Jury as new model for Direct Democracy

We aim to involve DIRECTLY the citizens in the decision-making level and to give a chance for EVERY woman and man to be heard. We shall give a chance for all, including those who feel excluded, beca…
Community development

Civic Starters

An integrated approach to support social innovation and active citizenship in medium-sized cities in Romania with a focus on empowerment and community engagement. A pilot phase would take place in 3 …
Environment and sustainability


The goal of the project is to increase citizen involvement in decision making at the local level. This is done by supporting civic organizations in building competence around the use of technology to…