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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development


With our project we will empower 40 local youth from Lisbon, Braga, Oporto and Coimbra to be actively involved in the local decision making processes, improving their civic engagement through better …
Social inclusion

Equal opportunities through virtual reality

The first step of inclusion is understanding of an individual or a problem by the community. It is a necessary condition in order for inclusion to happen. The Autism Simulator in virtual reality is a…
Community development


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Arts and cultural activities

Let's roll!

With the catchy format, such as visual-, performance art and filmmaking we would like to raise awareness on the rights, situations of persons with disabilities including internationally recognized h…
Community development

Learning democracy from children

Living democracy in our schools positively influences children and their future but it also affects their parents and other very diverse members of our local communities. As our experience has shown…
Social inclusion

With one voice

Polish rural society living in small communities f.ex. of Lublin Voivodeship often is fearful of The Others. The main challenge is to overcome the prejudice and obstacles to find the way to enhance c…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Innovative online learning platform

The construction of the Innovative online platform for teaching Bulgarian folk instruments will increase the musical education and culture of adolescents and stimulate their social commitment to the …
Social inclusion

LAR project - Love and Respect in rural Portugal

Doctors of the World Portugal will join LAR project to provide healthcare and health education actions to 4 refugees and migrant families and 25 seniors residents of Ima village, center of Portugal. …
Social inclusion

United in Diversity by Design

In a region infamous for apathy, social incoherence and lack of opportunity, we see the enormous untapped potential of young children in their formative years. With real-life monthly design challenge…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"