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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion

Socio-educational project for childhood and family

We want to get closer to the reality of the neighborhood, taking into account the socio-economic diversity and the situations of social vulnerability that exists in the area. The focus is to foster …
Social inclusion | Community development

Emancipated Women and Mothers - Our Future

The traditional role of women is to take care children for 3 years after birth. They are out of the labour market and do not adjust to quickly changing world. The goal of this programme is to give wo…

Bridging the troubled waters

Local referenda (LR) are common tool for participatory decision making on sensitive issues, affecting everyday life of communities in Czechia. In order to be legally binding and soothing, these cruci…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Social inclusion

Inclusion is democracy

Slovenia's new integration strategy for migrants and refugees is severely lacking where it should be strongest: a) in providing migrant and refugees out of the Ljubljana (capital city) urban center w…
Community development


Rakova Jelša is the southernmost quarter of Ljubljana, which has indications of segregation, is still lacking some basic infrastructure & services and has low levels of political participation. With …
Social inclusion


In a “civic desert” as the outskirt of Rome, we intend to give voice to the citizens and to encourage civic engagement. Through a deliberative method, the Citizens’ Jury, we’ll engage citizens on a …
Social inclusion | Community development

Rainbow Under My Roof

Imagine your child just came out to you, you had no idea yesterday what "LGBT" even means and now you are faced with the prospect of your loved child living a life of social marginalisation, high…
Social inclusion | Community development

Chitalishte in a Box

This initiative addresses the exclusion in scarcely populated villages with no multifunctional public space that allows common age-friendly initiatives. Its objective is to overcome the social distan…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"