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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion | Community development

ToolSpace - Suburb making social impact

ToolSpace is a community workspace equipped with tools & machines for different DIY & handcraft projects. Target group is everyone interested in DIY culture of any kind, and wants to acquire new and/…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Innovation for SCaling up Rural ENterprise-ISCREN

Social enterprise is one of the foundations of democracy and civil society. Social enterprise is particularly underdeveloped in Bulgarian rural areas, where determined and self-directed social entrep…
Social inclusion


The idea is aimed to build solidarity, connections and strengthening socially excluded groups by organizing specific activities of support which are missing in the local community (helping the elderl…
Social inclusion | Community development

Everybody Needs SomeBuddy

Our goal is to empower migrants to become an engaged part of the civil society and to create a safe space where migrants and locals can meet each other, gain better mutual understanding, improve inte…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Let's make a movie!

Project addresses a challenge to integrate multi-dimensional society at the Praga district of Warsaw through implementation of film projects dealing with issues of human rights, social justice and de…
Social inclusion | Community development


The main problem addressed by the project is linked to the big number of young Roma people in municipality of Sredets, who are not able to integrate in the labour market due to lack of qualification …
Community development

Craft has a golden bottom

By building a craft workroom in the Coburg manor house create a community space for educational workshops, lectures, meetings; with the involvement of local community in the craft workroom help with …
Social inclusion

The e-Democracy in Romania

Democracy in the century of speed - everything is a click away. Why not the legislative proposals? We want to collect 100,000 signatures on paper to change the legislative process for citizens 'legis…
Social inclusion


Our target group are children, aged 4-6 years, their teachers and parents. The objective is to encourage active citizenship, to strengthen a fundamental feeling of one’s own worth, to teach working i…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"