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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion | Community development

Heartbeats outside the metropolis

Elderly people are often restricted in their mobility and in their access to basic care and support. With a comprehensive and dispersed program and group networking, we will improve the psycho-physic…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Better Together

Better Together aims to empower three youth cultural associations placed in three different rural villages in the inner Sicily through specific workshops and coaching for the realization of their own…
Social inclusion

La Mare que Va – a unique opportuniy for inclusion

The main idea of LMQV is the labour insertion of people with Down’s syndrome and intelectual disability through a training and visibility project. The main objetctive is to facilitate continuous lea…
Community development

Better together

The Municipality of Gorna Malina unites 14 villages. Because of its proximity to the capital Sofia all the main channels of community life – education, healthcare, exchange of goods and services – ar…
Arts and cultural activities

International Street Art Festival Patras|ArtWalk

The ArtWalk tackles the problems of low social cohesion in the city’s public space, the anti-European policy of the municipal government, and the underdevelopment of contemporary culture in the wider…
Community development

Development of volunteering

Volunteer center is like customer service for shoppers. We offer services in the field of volunteering with everything that goes with it. We connect organizations with volunteers. We communicate with…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Create, meet, perform!

Vanity fuels participation, participation attracts community and leads onto stage production - production is something solid to pay with, a form of generous giving, and as such is a new starting poin…
Environment and sustainability

Liquid Harmony

Water is a common good, rivers know no borders, therefore they belong to all. Water Democracy aims to empower citizens and NGOs to be actively involved in decision making and management regarding thi…

Spark in your heart

There is an increasing gap between citizens and governing bodies in Hungary. Our citizens must have more direct voice in politics. ICT’s offer ways to make the EU a living democracy. We see Random-Sa…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"