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Profile | Civic Europe

Democracy through culture 2.0

Slovenia was born trough democratisation processes which ware heavily encouraged by artists. Especially in smaller towns civic participation has almost died, and it can also be observed in the field …
Social inclusion

How to survive a democracy?

The Project will contribute to democracy empowerment in patriarchal Dalmatia County in Croatia, protection and promotion of basic human rights and enhancing active citizenship through empowerment of …
Social inclusion

Let’s talk about seniors in the post-pandemic era

While active aging has been promoted in recent years, at this time of the pandemic, senior citizens received instructions on how to behave, which were not fully in line with that concept. So, we are …
Environment and sustainability

On Air Quality

Air pollution is a severe issue in our region, Apulia. We want to empower people to deal with it in a scientific and concrete way. The idea is to monitor the quality of air through DIY sensors built…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Alternative Camps

Alternative Camps is a program that promotes frugal innovation in the post-pandemic society. It brings together groups of citizens (especially with a migrant background), institutions and local entre…
Social inclusion

Participation - we the citizens take the lead

The project aims to stimulate civic participation in small cities in Northeastern Bulgaria, by promoting dialogue to create an environment for social inclusion, improving interaction between stakehol…
Community development


Create 10 oases in the „civic deserts” in North-Western Bulgaria by infusing 7 polyvalent AGORA method to activate the communities’ immunity. National and local peer support networks will lead the em…
Social inclusion | Community development


Support social economy initiatives with roots in the territory to combat the effects of COVID 19 on vulnerable populations in the neighbourhoods most affected by the pandemic. Collective enterprises …
Environment and sustainability | Community development


Autocoles merge 3 interrelated aspects: education through practice, creative reuse of materials using art as a working tool, and social and spatial transformation. Objective is to build playgrounds a…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"