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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development

Spreading creative stories for local communities

Our mobile science center will empower 50 different smallest Slovenian municipalities and schools with accessible on-site production of science spaces for critical thinking through creative and resea…
Community development

We also have a voice!

Project aims to create a safe base for young people, where they will be able to express and develop their opinions, talk about current events and share ideas. Through regular meetings in the form of …
Arts and cultural activities

Remember To Remember

Contemporary Europe is a symbol of freedom, democracy and tolerance. But for many people, especially in the small settlements, they are meaningless terms and civil society appears something distant a…

NGOs run by collaboration

The third sector in Poland attracts many activists by the grand purposes it serves. Yet, old-fashioned, rigid, often autocratic style of management prevailing in these organizations, hinders and demo…

Small communities - strong voices!

Civil society in small communities has the prerequisites, but lacks training and experience to be engaged and vibrant. Thus, local stakeholders from 8 municipalities in Slavonia will be trained and i…

Citizens’ Jury as new model for Direct Democracy

We aim to involve DIRECTLY the citizens in the decision-making level and to give a chance for EVERY woman and man to be heard. We shall give a chance for all, including those who feel excluded, beca…
Social inclusion | Community development

The New Generation of Successful Roma

The New Generation of Successful Roma is a community whose purpose is to eliminate prejudices so that we want to educate "elite leaders." We develop, support and mentor to succeed in education, busin…
Community development

DisCO: A Toolkit for Radical Workplace Democracy

To create radically democratic cooperatives, people need access to practical methods, tools and knowledge. DisCO provides these learning experiences. Using feminist economic principles and P2P techno…
Social inclusion | Community development

Life & Career

Imagine living in a rural area of Greece, predominantly agricultural and touristic, and being offered the same opportunities for personal and professional development as people in urban areas. Imagin…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"