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Profile | Civic Europe

Environment and sustainability

Transparent solar panels

My main goal is to make every glass building/skyscraper make their own electricity using sun power. The technology is awready here we just have to put it in reality.
Community development

Online Communities for rights and democracy

The aim is to develop and support online communities of activists for democracy, human and child rights, so to be able to counteract the anti-democratic campaigns in Bulgaria. Тhe idea involves provi…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Parco Romano Biodistretto – Community Hub

Create a food community to guarantee good food to the citizens of our territories, revitalize the local economy, create value and social capital, stop the consumption of agricultural land, stimulate …
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

The goal is to promote tourism instead of cutting down the Białowieża Forest, create new jobs in tourism, promote online broadcasts of concerts, meetings with interesting people. The festival was …
Environment and sustainability

Brains, hearts and hands in action!

The goal of the project is to work with teachers from the South Silesian region in Poland to develop and implement a curriculum relative to students’ personal impact on the world. After that stud…

Pre-election Civic Lobbying Accelerator

Peripheral regions exhibit the lowest voter turn-out (40 % in Karlovarský and Ústecký in 2017 general election). Citizens there often distrust parliamentary democracy and feel overlooked by politicia…
Social inclusion | Community development

Yes, we can!

13 disabled women will be faced with versatile challenges,from ones showing their more soft side and some showing their bold side.At the end,when they’ve finished the challenges they will have the ch…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Prisoners of their own border

Imagine having a home only accessible from one road and that road is not in your country, but in the neighboring one. This is only one story, however many similar stories happend after breaking of Yu…
Social inclusion

Chance for the "Invisible" Children

Part of the children in the Region of Plovdiv are “invisible” and have been neglected for too long. Our research shows that they have limited access to social services and early education and that no…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"