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Profile | Civic Europe

How to speak publicly – the civil society language

Creating and conducting an educational course based on political and social sciences for young professionals from different areas. The course will emphasize on the process of formulating and creating…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Possible life

In the vast changing World we need a new way of reinventing food, education, health and social collaborations. Possible life network is new type of shared economy, sustainable development and transfe…
Social inclusion | Community development

Public dialogue

The project will implement a participatory process in Montecchio Maggiore (VI), involving citizens including multicultural communities, to fight social isolation and lack of participation. A multidis…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Participatory knowledge for better policy making

We have castles, rivers, ancient farmhouses and beautiful rural landscapes. And also achieved some environmental records. But few uf us know it. How could that happen? There was a time when the 'big …
Community development

TARARAINA Social & Rural democratic investing

Rural development policies based on economic criteria in Spain have proven not to work. These policies have aggravated depopulation and dependence of many rural areas on unsustainable economic models…
Arts and cultural activities


Interactive theatre education and workshops that through exercise and improvisation leads to the implementing gender mainstreaming. Through various theater and stage educations, a solution can be fou…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Invisible Parties

This is a community art project that will take place in two villages of the periphery of Portugal. It combines performative arts, music and dance, in order to create a safe piece of territory where d…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Light Means Bright Future

The Ligthbringers Foundation works in the village of Baks with the most advanced tools to fight electricity poverty in an environment of deep poverty. We provide solar panels for households affecte…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

My Local Space

My Local Space is more than just a bazaar with food. The market feeds local communities in a multidimensional way. We meet the needs of whole community, creating an integration spot for development. …
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"