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Profile | Civic Europe

Environment and sustainability | Community development

Young people fighting for their future

As young people do not have enough opportunities to do practical work and think about future, we decided to connect these factors and include Youth from rural areas of The Valley of Salek and prepare…
Environment and sustainability

Youth alliance for green leaders

The focus of this project is on youth participation in the process of environmental decision-making on different levels: international, national and regional. Environmental documents seem to be very …

YOUth Can Make a Change

Active citizenship has a vital role in building and maintaining a democratic society. Whereas a lack of interest and knowledge are predominant reasons for political apathy, fear and group closure can…

Youth Consulting Center “Active citizens”

The lack of active citizenship is due to a lack of understanding about the policies pursued at European and local levels.The lack of understanding of these processes creates distrust, uncertainty in …

Youth debate program in Moravia

The project solves the formal education system's lack of focus on critical thinking, media literacy, and active citizenship. It aims to disseminate the debate methodology in Moravian schools Moravia …

Youth Education for a Long-term, Global Future

Education thus far has focused on instilling certain values, habits, skills such as numeracy and literacy, and a preparedness for a relatively unchanging future. However, the accelerating speed of ch…

Youth Empowerement

In an area where we lack the fundamental building block of democratic governance, with an almost non-existing civil society role, we propose a development programme, that focuses on civic engagement …
Community development

Youth initiatives

We don’t want to tell youngsters what to do, but support and empower them to be the designers and initiators. Through this project, young members from six small Slovenian towns will get the opportuni…
Social inclusion | Community development

Youth Spatial Designers

Place and Space - how to use placemaking and space creation to build peaceful communities? Cercedilla (small locale close to Madrid) faces youth-out-migration as for constrained choices to develop…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"