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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development

Progress the educational system in Czech

The main challenge is to bring together and support actors in education who are looking for elements of democracy, freedom and responsibility in education. The aim is to build a community of free and…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Project incubator for young

Project incubator for youth is an informal educational project. There will be prepared one-week workshop –an incubator for solidary project, where youth from 4 countries will work together on 5 solid…
Social inclusion


The program is both innovative and preventive, as its actions will target children and youth in rural districts in vulnerable peripheral areas of Salerno Province, areas where significant social an…
Social inclusion | Community development

Public dialogue

The project will implement a participatory process in Montecchio Maggiore (VI), involving citizens including multicultural communities, to fight social isolation and lack of participation. A multidis…

Quarteira Decides

3 neighbourhoods characterized by ethnic diversity, stigmatization, social conflicts, political polarization and distance from centres of power, will decide and implement the projects they consider m…
Social inclusion | Community development

Rainbow Under My Roof

Imagine your child just came out to you, you had no idea yesterday what "LGBT" even means and now you are faced with the prospect of your loved child living a life of social marginalisation, high…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Bulgarian heritage still remains terra incognita to Bulgarians and EU citizens. Our vision is to change this through RAZKAZVALNIK where technology meets art to tell the story of unique cultural landm…
Social inclusion

REfugeeMigrantAsylum-seekerINclusion journalists

Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers have no voice in the Greek mainstream media. They need to have a saying on what concerns them. We will train 15 people in media skills to be able to produce mate…
Arts and cultural activities

Remember To Remember

Contemporary Europe is a symbol of freedom, democracy and tolerance. But for many people, especially in the small settlements, they are meaningless terms and civil society appears something distant a…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"